
Monday, March 5, 2012

Remember to NOT Wash your Hair Everyday!

Washing your hair daily is not a healthy move for your locks, especially if you have long hair.  The oil from the scalp needs time to condition the entire shaft of the hair, and the ends.  If you wash your hair everyday; you are not allowing for those natural oils to condition your hair.  Most Hair experts will tell you to wash your hair every two days.  However, I wash my hair once a week! Most people think this is super gross, but my hair never looks greasy because of my favorite Dry Shampoo!  Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo is awesome because it does not leave that white residue that other brands do..

WARNING!: this is the bottle you want (The Brown One) The Yellow bottle DOES leave the white residue.  If you are blonde this may not be an issue for you, but if you have darker hair like me that residue sure is a pain, so go with the brown bottle!

(I Love This!)

(I would not suggest this one for dark hair)

(This is the bottle that contains the powder form, instead of the spray.  I have personally not used this one, but I would guess it is similar to baby powder)

*baby powder is also a great "dry shampoo," however you really need to make sure you brush it through your hair, or else it will look like you spray painted your hair white :(*

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